In the Side by Side game two cards are displayed next to each other.  This is deal for teaching concepts such as opposites or vocabulary by displaying and extra example while introducing new words.

The best way to create a beautiful Side by Side lesson is to arrange all of the cards in a specific order so that the right cards will appear next to each other.  The Side by Side game works also great for images only.

NOTE: We are working on a new feature that will allow you to manually set what items should appear together in a future version.  Once we have added this, the Side by Side game will become even more flexible because you will be able to show more than just two items together.

Like all games, the Side by Side game is also fully customizable.

  • Images only: You can either have both the text and images Side by Side or just display two images per page.

  • Play first audio with new page: Plays the audio associated with the first item as soon as the next page loads

  • Play second audio with new page: Plays the audio associated with the second item right after the audio of the first item

  • Delay between audios: Customize how soon you want to play the second audio after the first if both are turned ON

  • Sequence:

    • A to Z: Bits will appear in alphabetical order

    • Random: Bits will appear in random order

    • As entered: Bits will appear in the order you set them

Learn about all the other games on Bitsboard